This is a very informative video about vaccines and "kennel cough".
Just like human kids in school or daycare, dogs in doggie playcare and boarding environments are susceptible to injuries and whatever bug is going around. While we take every effort to avoid it, the occasional illness and injury may occur.
While standard vaccines do prevent the most serious diseases, large gatherings of canines will come up with the occasional case of Bordetella (Kennel Cough), Giardia, or Coccidia. Your dog is at an increased risk of catching communicable canine ailments when socializing with other dogs in any environment. We are diligent in minimizing health and safety risks, but it’s important for clients to understand some of the inherent risks.
Bordetella, or Kennel Cough, is the most common health issue in Doggie Playcare. Bordetella is the canine version of the common cold. Symptoms include watery eyes, runny nose, and/or sneezing, along with a pronounced cough. Bordetella is an airborne virus that your dog can catch at the dog park, daycare, walking around the neighborhood, or even at your veterinarian’s office. We do require daycare dogs to have Kennel Cough vaccinations, but like a human flu shot, the vaccine is not 100% effective.
Giardia and coccidia are intestinal parasites that may cause diarrhea or vomiting. Dogs can get these parasites from contact with the feces of infected animals (domestic or wild) or from contact with contaminated standing water. The parasites can be spread when dogs inspect each other’s rear ends or if they have direct contact with other dogs' poop.
Giardia can cause severe dehydration which further weakens your dog’s ability to fight the parasite. If your dog has vomiting and diarrhea, take him to your veterinarian’s office immediately. Coccidia can cause similar, but less severe, symptoms. Most dogs recover quickly with prompt medical attention. Some dogs won’t show any symptomatic signs but can be contagious.
Dogs can get worms (roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, etc) in the same way they can get giardia or coccidia. Guardian-K9 is very diligent about quickly cleaning up dog waste and if we see that a dog has worms, we will isolate the dog and contact the client to let them know. Once wormed, a dog should stay home for at least a week to give the dead parasites time to work their way out of the dog’s system. If your dog seems to be a bit under the weather, please keep him home and seek veterinary attention if symptoms persist. It is not fair to expose your dog’s playmates to potential health issues.
Injuries can also sometimes occur at playcare. Any open play with a group of dogs can be a very active and interactive environment for your dog. Many of our dogs enjoy rough and tumble play; although we do break up play that gets too rough, the dogs can get pretty rambunctious. Dogs use their teeth like we use our hands; they grab each other by the neck and nibble, steal toys, run, and play with one another. Minor injuries such as nicks, cuts, scrapes, missing hair and strained muscles do happen. Additionally, dogs do have disagreements from time to time, and fighting is a possibility. The staff is trained to break up any dog fights that may occur.
We believe the benefits of doggie playcare far surpass the possible risks. We are diligent about quickly cleaning up dog waste and we sanitize our facility daily. We are quick to interrupt inappropriate social behavior and overly rough play. However, please be aware that your dog is at an increased risk of catching contagious canine illnesses and getting minor injuries when socializing with other dogs. This is a risk you must be willing to accept if you want your dog to play in this type of environment.
IMPORTANT!!! Canine Influenza (H3N2 & H3N8) Information
ABOUT THE VIRUS Influenza A virus can cause infection in many mammalian and avian species and exists in multiple subtypes. CIV was first identified as a factor in canine respiratory disease in 2004. This virus is a genetic variant of the H3N8 equine influenza virus that gained the ability to infect dogs. The key change in the virus was the ability for transmission of the virus from dog to dog. The Asian H3N2 virus is derived from an avian strain that also gained the ability to infect dogs and be transmitted from dog to dog. As is the case with all influenza viruses, there is the opportunity for changes in the virus that could affect transmission rates and increase or decrease the ability of the virus to cause respiratory illness. It is for this reason that the AHDC continues to track and monitor the changes in the virus over time. TRANSMISSION AND SYMPTOMS CIV is transmitted by close contact with an infected dog, often in a restricted space such as an animal shelter, day care center, or boarding kennel. Casual contact is less likely to be a factor mainly due to the relatively low amount of virus shed by an infected dog. Virtually all dogs are susceptible regardless of age or breed. Influenza virus infection in dogs follows a similar pattern to infections in other species. The onset of clinical signs will be 2-3 days post infection. Peak of virus shed is 3-4 days post infection. Longer shedding times of up to 24 days have been identified in dogs infected with H3N2. Because of the differences in the time dogs may shed virus, the quarantine of 7 days is recommended for dogs with H3N8 influenza, while a 21 day quarantine is recommended for dogs with H3N2 influenza. Dogs may continue to cough for several weeks following recovery from acute infection. While in the past CIV infections in and of themselves have not shown a significant mortality rate, CIV infections as well as other respiratory viruses compromise the normal defenses of the lung permitting secondary bacterial pneumonias.
There have been a number of cases in Louisville, KY and so to prevent anything coming into our facility we are now requiring all of our clients to also vaccinate against the H3N2 and H3N8 viruses.
These vaccines will be mandatory as of 09/01/2017. This should give everyone enough time to schedule their dogs vaccination with their veterinarian.